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Lorem Ipsum Text Generator

Easily generate lorem ipsum text for your web and graphics sample content needs. Our free tool is use to generate random lorem ipsum text for your project.

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What is Lorem Ipsum text?

Lorem ipsum text generator is a type of placeholder text. It's used to show what the content might look like in the design stage of web design.

Lorem ipsum is a Latin phrase that translates to "lazy man". The words are used as filler text in graphic design and other situations when one must show an example of what the content might look like but there is no time or budget to create real content.

    What is Lorem Ipsum text?
    Who use Lorem Ipsum text?

    Who use Lorem Ipsum text?

    Lorem ipsum text generator is an online tool that generates dummy text for a given text. It is commonly used by designers and developers to create placeholder content in web design mockups and wireframes.

    The purpose of this tool is to provide a sample of the layout and content that would be used in the final product. This way, designers can have a better idea of how their layout will look with real content.

    This tool has been around since the 1960s when it was first used by graphic designers to create layouts for print materials like books, magazines, and brochures.

      Why I need Lorem Ipsum text?

      Readers are greatly influenced by the readable content of a page in comparison to the layout of a page. This is a long-established fact. When using Lorem Ipsum, one of the points is that as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', which makes it appear like English that can be read, Lorem Ipsum has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. A search for 'lorem ipsum' on your favorite search engine will unearth a number of web sites that are still in their infancy. Several desktop publishing packages and web editors use Lorem Ipsum as their default text model. In different incarnations over the years, the story has changed in various ways, sometimes through accident, sometimes on purpose.

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