Simplest Open Graph Generator Tool

The best and simplest tool to generate open graph tags for free. No need to memorize tags just enter content in text fields and our tool will take care of the rest. Copy and paste the code and enjoy!

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Title - 0

Ideal 60 chars

Description - 0

Ideal 160 chars

Site Name:

Site URL:


Site URL:

Image URL:

Open Graph Preview

<meta property="og:title" content="">
<meta property="og:description" content="">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<meta property="og:type" content="article">
<meta property="og:image" content="">

What is Open Graph?

Facebook introduced Open Graph in 2010 for the integration of Facebook with web pages. You could change the way Facebook displays your website. Open Graph meta tags are now recognized by other social media sites, including Twitter and LinkedIn.

This skill is crucial for webmasters in order to leverage Facebook Graph Meta tags. Click-through rates and conversions can be greatly improved by using these tags. The traffic to a website is primarily driven by social media sites. On- page SEO will not be affected by adding OG tags, but social media performance will be.

What is Open Graph?

Open Graph and SEO? Does it really matter?

The open graph doesn’t impact your on-page SEO performance but it is important in terms of generating social media traffic to your website. It makes an impact on your social media sharing and boosts your CTR score and generates more relevant traffic to your website from social media accounts. So if you want your webpage to look good when someone shares your link on social accounts then open graph tags are important

Open Graph Facebook Tags

The open graph meta tags that Facebook uses are:

- og:title

- og:description

- og:image

- og:url

- og:type


Your content's title is defined by og:title. It is possible to use the meta title tag instead of og:title if og:title is not defined in the website's code. In general, it should be between 60 and 90 characters long, with a strong visual appeal. It length should be between 60 to 90 characters otherwise if it is more than 90 then it will automatically shorten to 88 characters.

Example: <meta property="og:title" content="content title" />


The meta description that you use for your webpage is like og:description. Visitors should be attracted to it and encouraged to visit the site. A description shouldn’t be more than 200 characters, but there is no specific limit.

Example: <meta property=" og:description" content="description here."/>


It describes the URL of the page linked when the user clicks on the post on social media accounts.

Example: <meta property="og:url" content="" />


Most interesting is the OG tag og:image. When the website's page is shared, this image will appear as a thumbnail. Don’t miss this tag and use eye catchy and attractive images so users click on your link and visit your website.

Example: <meta property="og:image" content="image URL" />


It defines the content type that you are sharing. Whether it's web-based, entertainment, place, people, or business. You can get the complete list of types from here.

Example: <meta property="og:type" content="content-type" />

Advance og tags:


It is used to mention your site name on which the user will redirect after clicking.


It defines the language if you want to localize your tags. en_US is the default language.

og:audio or og:video

For adding audio or video files.


For linking a fb application with the og.

Open Graph And SEO? Does It Really Matter?

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